英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:23:12
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1. tooth wear是什么意思

1. 牙齿磨耗:文章摘要:牙齿磨耗(tooth wear)是口腔中一种很普通的现象,在口腔这个复杂的环境中,牙齿的磨耗是在机械、热、化学和电流等因素的影响下,附着作用、研磨作用、腐蚀作用以及其他微小形式的磨耗综合发生的结果.

2. tooth wear在线翻译

2. 牙齿磨损:to the point of 到...地步 | tooth wear 牙齿磨损 | top dogs 夺魁者

3. tooth wear在线翻译

3. 牙磨耗:骨改建:Tooth movement | 牙磨耗:tooth wear | 牙动度:tooth mobility

4. 颞下颌关节紊乱病:牙胚培养:tooth germ organ culture | 颞下颌关节紊乱病:Tooth wear | 锐齿栋群落:sharp tooth Oak community

Tooth wear is defined as the loss of the tooth substance which is not caused by dental plague, caries and injuries.(牙齿磨损是指在没有菌斑、龋坏及外伤情况下牙体组织丧失的现象。)
This product is extracted from the aloe plant essence, fragrance aroma, taste unique, and the election Abrasive formula with high-grade silicon, reduction of tooth surface wear.(本产品从芦荟中提取植物精华素,馥郁芳香,口感独特,并选用高档硅磨料配方,减少牙齿表面磨损。)
AIM: to study the correlation between tooth wear and age as well as gender by investigating the state of average tooth wear on incisal and occlusion surfaces in general population.(目的:通过调查普通人群牙齿切缘及咬面的磨耗情况,研究牙齿磨耗与年龄和性别的关系。)
This paper introduces the methods of diagnosing the tooth-wear through the spectrum analysis of gear noise.(本文探讨了用齿轮噪声频谱分析来诊断齿轮磨损程度的方法。)
Gear tooth thickness at the site are unilateral wear, so gear can be rotated 180 degrees to use.(齿轮在齿厚部位都是单侧磨损,所以可将齿轮翻转180度使用。)
The first molar has the most serious tooth wear and the third molar was the lightest.(第一磨牙的磨耗程度最重,第三磨牙的磨耗程度最轻。)
This means that wear is evenly distributed over the gears since each tooth on one gear touches on the other gear the same number of times.(这就意味着,由于一支齿轮上的每一个齿面将与另一个齿轮的齿面接触相同的次数,因此磨损面均匀的分布于齿轮的每一个齿上。)
Conclusion: Severe tooth wear lead to abnormal mandibular maximum excursions.(结论:牙齿重度磨耗导致异常的下颌边缘运动。)
By 3-5 years: All teeth may have tartar build-up and some tooth wear.(5岁,所有的牙齿上都有牙垢,一些牙发生磨损。)
Tooth wear is popularly found in dental clinical practice.(牙齿磨耗临床十分常见。)
tooth wear是什么意思 tooth wear在线翻译 tooth wear什么意思 tooth wear的意思 tooth wear的翻译 tooth wear的解释 tooth wear的发音 tooth wear的同义词